The VW Lego bus. Just. Got. Bigger!

Got six weeks of free time ahead of you?  Getting bored waiting for spring to arrive?  Or perhaps you finally finished all those little projects on your VW and are wondering what to do with yourself?  The solution?  A project assembling 400,000 Legos – an endeavor in which the whole family can partake!  Unfortunately, we are still awaiting the announcement of a sale date for this kit (lol).

VW Lego creations (a possible official single cab kit!?)

A while back I posted about a Lego double cab created by modifying the official Lego split-window camper kit.  Thanks to social media outlets, I discovered that Lego developed a program that allows plastic brick aficionados to submit their unique creations for public viewing; it is called Lego Ideas.  However, they do not stop there!  The general population can vote on each idea and with 10,000 votes, Lego will consider turning the creation into an official kit.  Pretty cool, especially with this single cab idea or a VW garage! Click around the for more details and photos of the project or you can visit Andrea Lattanzio’s Flickr page for photos of this and other bus creations (I am particularly impressed by the Lego Pisten-Bulli). Do not forget to give your support to the Lego Idea creation if you are so inclined!

A couple of linked photos to the Flickr page.

VW T1 Snowcat Adventuremobile

Oldtimer Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge (Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles)

The miniature Lego VW bus

I received this little Lego Creator set as a gift over the weekend from family that lives overseas.  After a quick search of on, I was oddly unsuccessful at finding this particular set.  Perhaps it is not available in the states yet as I have not seen any references on the various VW sites I continually peruse. Very cool that Lego is continuing their VW sets and would love to see them expand into models beyond beetles and buses (hear that Lego?!).

Edit:  Turns out this was a promotional kit; given away for free with certain purchases.  Here’s to hoping they decided to offer it independently someday!


Officially licensed even!

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A lego surprise!

When I came home from work yesterday, I discovered my daughter put her day off from school to good use.  With great excitement she led me into the family room and pulled a doll’s blanket off “a surprise” she had waiting for me – a completed lego bus!  True to her word about finishing this project before the one year anniversary of the kit’s arrival at our home, she made it with a couple of days to spare and she just beamed with pride over her accomplishment.  I am a proud Papa!

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Hunting for bus parts at the mall

Yep, you read that title correctly, the mall.  Not the first place on your list?  It is not on mine either.  In fact, those that know me well recognize that for me, the mall represents a primeval source of dreadful parking lots, crowds, long lines, poor sales skills, and, dare I say it, mall music.  I find myself at these places for only two reasons: Continue reading

Update: Lego bus

I lost count (Lego bus)

Last fall my daughter and I began a joint project assembling the Lego VW bus.  It was (and still is) wonderful to share such a project with her as we spent our Sundays searching and assembling in front of football games (another shared past time).  I kept track of the number of legos used during each period of construction and how many remained out of the original 1332 pieces to include in blog titles.  At the time, it was fun to keep track of our progress and I assumed a rapid decline in the remaining pieces as we moved forward each weekend.  Around December, my daughter, after deciding that two was excessive Continue reading